Wednesday, July 15, 2015


      Wearing : Dress - Tk maxx / sunglasses - Le specs/ bag -C&A/ flats - Mango (right now on sale)

The best way to relieve yourselves with the question of what to wear during the summer?!And that would be the maxi dress.Given that began stifling heat, I recommend invest in one or two dresses, with which you can combine your jewelry, shoes (high heels or flat) according to your wishes and the main point is to make the most of the season after season.
Frankly, this dress I have for years, as it invests in quality, not quantity, so it is now proudly wear this summer .Everything else isall in the details.
Also,most important is,sales are begin,i hope you can find the perfect dress for yourself on these online stores Mango,Asos,Front Row Shop .

Najbolji nacin da olaksate sebi sa pitanjem sta obuci za vrijeme ljeta?A to bih bilo upravo maxi (duga) haljina. S obzirom da su pocele nesnosne vrucine,preporucujem da ulozite u jedanu ili dvije haljine ,uz koje mozete kombinovati vas nakit,sandale(visokim petama ili ravne) po vasoj zelji i glavna poenta je da je iskoristite iz sezone u sezonu.
Iskreno govoreci,ovu haljinu imam vec godinama,s obzirom da ulazem u kvalitet,a ne kvantitet,tako da je i sada ponosno nosim i ovog ljeta .Ostalo je sve u detaljima.
Uglavnom  su snizenja vec pocela mozete pogledati upravo na ovim stranicama,mozda i nadjete idealnu haljinu  MangoAsosFront Row Shop  ...

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