Tuesday, September 19, 2017

My top 3 beauty product

         Youth activating concentrate -Lancome / Day cream - Lancome / Day wear - Estee Lauder

Hola my insta and ILVANAAD friends! I've already announced to the insta story that the post is ready and will be online today! This time it's not about outfit, but about products for which it's worth investing money and caring face. I really do not know which product I would like to start, but I can say they are top.

A toned cream from Estee Lauder with which you can mix with some other liquid powder like I combine BB cream from Garnier and Loreal (perfect match).

Lancome Genifique: I use it for day and night even before applying the powder. Your face is gentle and tender. I'm recommending.

Advanced Genifique: I got this serum to try, although most of them are satisfied, and I am too. Look here

And it's best to have them when you're traveling.


Hola moji insta i ILVANAAD prijatelji! Na insta story sam vam vec najavila da je post spreman i da ce biti danas online! Ovaj put nije rijec o outfitu nego o produktima za koje vrijede uloziti novac i njegovati lice.Stvarno ne znam sa kojim produktom bih zapocela, ali mogu reci da su top.
Tonirana krema od Estee Lauder sa kojom mozete i pomjesati sa nekim drugim tecnim puderom kao sto sam ja kombinirala BB kremom od Garnier-a i od Loreal (perfect match) .

Lancome Genifique : Koristim ju i za dan i noc pa cak prije nanosenja pudera.Lice vam je njezno i njeovano.Preporucujem.

Advanced Genifique : ovaj serum sam dobila da isprobam iako su vecinom svi zadovolni ,a i ja sam. Pogledajte  ovdje 

A iskreno najbolje ih imati dok putujete.

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